TV Announcer

The TV Announcer kept the citizens of Angel Grove posted on the goings on in Angel Grove.  Ernie kept a small TV on his counter at the Youth Center.  Ernie and his customers would watch the TV Announcer.  The TV Announcer told how the Mayor of Angel Grove had given the Angel Award to a group of kids who had recycle tons of trash, keeping it out of the land fills.  He had also received breaking news on the Power Rangers.  Eyewitnesses had reported seeing the Rangers, in their Megazord battle one of Rita's monsters, Chunky Chicken, in a lengthy battle.  The Power Rangers destroyed Chunky Chicken and rescue a young girl, Maria.  The TV Announcer then switch over to a field reporter who was in the classroom of Maria.  Maria proudly told the reporter that she was the most popular girl in her class.  The field reporter remarked you could see Maria was doing just fine.  The screen went back to the TV Announcer and he stated they would keep them posted on the latest Power Rangers news.

There was also a small set in a storage room at the Youth Center.  Bulk & Skull were watching cartoons when the news irrupted their program.  Bulk & Skull got very upset.  Skull threw popcorn at the screen.  The TV announcer reported they had just gotten word that once again, the amazing Power Rangers have saved our fair city and the world from one of Rita Repulsa's lethal monsters.

Billy kept a TV set in his garage.  Trini was watching the TV, when the TV announcer came on.  Zack, Billy, Jason, and Tommy were outside the garage, sitting by the Rad Bug, that Billy had been working on.  Trini shouts out to them - Wow!  Guys, come here quick!  Jason, Tommy, and Zack walk into the garage.  Billy cleans up his tools.  Zack, Jason, and Tommy gather around Trini and they watch the TV.  The TV announcer is asking who are the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and how do they get their incredible power?  The TV Announcer talks about how the Power Rangers have destroyed another of Rita's lethal monsters.

The TV Announcer came on with another report.  He talked about those amazing heroes, the Power Rangers.  The Power Rangers have once again, successfully defeated another attack on Angel Grove by Rita Repulsa and her seeming endless hordes of monsters and thugs.  The TV Announcer continues by stating while the city sustain some property damage, no harm befell any of the citizens, thanks to the incredible Power Rangers.  Tommy, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, Jason, Zack, and Ernie all watched the report at the Youth Center.  The teens were very flattered by the report.

Billy, Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Zack sit at the counter at the Youth Center and listen to the TV Announcer was reporting on Angel Grove's latest attack by Rita.  Once again, the amazing Power Rangers, have saved our city and the world from one of Rita Repulsa's monsters.  After a lengthy battle, the Power Rangers and their zords were able to defeat the beast just before it attacked downtown Angel Grove.  No people were reported injured.  The teens were very pleased over the glowing news report.

Billy, Zack, Kimberly, and Jason are watching the small TV set on the counter at the Youth Center.  The TV Announcer reports, the amazing Power Rangers have once again, successfully defeated another attack on Angel Grove by Rita Repulsa and her seemingly endless hordes of monster thugs.  Zack, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy are happy with the gratifying news report. 

Big Sisters/Wheel Of Misfortune/Calamity Kimberly


A Star Is Born/Clean-Up Club/Plaque Of The Mantis